Welcome to the Fifth Annual THATCamp Florida website. The History Department and the RICHES program at the University of Central Florida, in cooperation with the UCF Center for Research and Education in Arts, Technology + Entertainment (Create), and the Center for Humanities and Digital Research will be hosting a regional THATCamp on 28 February, 2015 in sunny Orlando. The gathering will involve about 75 people drawn broadly from the Humanities and will include Professors, Librarians, Graduate Students and interested parties (writers, musicians, etc.) who are engaged in sorting through the many and varied ways that our broadly shared disciplines intersect with emerging technologies. It is our hope that this one-day intensive meeting at Create will offer a stimulating and energizing atmosphere which will foster a fruitful exchange of ideas as well as collaborative work among attendees. If you are interested in attending this year’s THATCamp Florida you will need to register in advance. We also encourage you to begin thinking about what you would like to discuss at THATCamp and to submit a proposal for a session that is designed to address your interests/needs in the Digital Humanities, broadly defined. There is a length discussion of the proposal process on the page linked above.
We are excited to be hosting another THATCamp focusing on the Digital Humanities, broadly defined, and are looking forward to assembling a broad and diverse group of Campers from around the state.